Monthly Archives: September 2012

Star Picks for Fall

Inspired by the September issue of Bazaar Magazine …

Bazaar Magazine Extras

Bazaar Magazine Extras

Bazaar Magazine Extras

Our Cedar Rapids Stuff Etc put together their STAR PICKS for FALL 

Cedar Rapids Stuff Etc Star picks

Cedar Rapids Stuff Etc Star Picks

Cedar Rapids Stuff Etc Star Picks

And ALL of our picks are less than $19.99 each!

It Just Feels Good

p/c of Iowa Alumni Magazine

Giving back.

It just feels SO good inside.

Not to toot our own horn, but every month for the last four years, Stuff Etc selects a local organization at each location to raise money for.  At the end of the month, we give 100% of all donations collected to that charity.  One weekend a month, we center the sale around collecting donations while offering a discount.

To me.  Personally. Being involved with that … it feels good.

The customer giving a dollar to get  a discount; it feels good.

Presenting the check at the end of the month; it feels good.

Seeing the faces of who we present it to; that feels Ah – Mazing!

Knowing how grateful they are for every bit of help, every dollar, every cent; knowing we are helping the organization, helping the people they help; it feels AWESOME!

Today we had the opportunity to partner with a new group, 100 Grannies.

This group is organizing an effort to Ban the (plastic) Bag.  On Sunday, they will be hosting a rally in downtown Iowa City to raise awareness and support for the Ban.  They are asking community members to bring their plastic bags to the rally which they will tie together to create HUGE chain around the University  of Iowa pedestrian mall to demonstrate the amount of waste generated by plastic bags (read more about that here ).  All the bags will then be recycled and each participant will receive a fabric recycle bag donated from area businesses (while supplies last).

Stuff Etc has opted to donate 100 of our recycle bags.  We are very proud to be a part of this movement and partner with our friends at 100 Grannies!  We encourage you to join them in their efforts this Sunday and moving forward.

This weekend, you can also help these local organizations when you shop our Stuff Etc stores and save 20% off all full-priced items (excluding mattresses):

One last thought before we part for the weekend …

In August, I blogged about a random act of kindness (seen here)that really affected me emotionally.  Last week, I met a friend for a drink after work.  My ticket came to $5.85.  I gave our waitress a $20 bill and told her to keep it (not something I normally do since living on the Dave Ramsey plan, if you know what I mean). She questioned me like I must have read my ticket wrong.  I assured her the it was indeed her change to keep. She thanked me numerous times, all the while with tears in her eyes.

This was just a $14 tip and the poor thing welled up with tears.

I too welled up with tears.

And it felt good.


Happy Weekend!

No More Door to Door

I still have a couple of trick-or-treaters at my house, but no more door to door for the four teenage boys!  Hands-down, Halloween is our favorite holiday, so how do we keep that spirit going?

Time to get creative.

The boys had some pretty creative ideas that I thought were worth sharing and might give you some ideas of how to take your Halloween to the next level.

ZOMBIES.  This is the winning vote in our house.  AND, apparently, you can turn ANY theme into a ZOMBIE theme!  { I especially like the Easter Bunny zombie } Even the wee ones thought this was THE. BESTEST.

VAMPIRES.  And this is not your traditional, old-school vampires… so uncool.  It’s only acceptable now if you are a ‘Twilight’ or { for the older crowd } a ‘True Blood’ vampire.  I saw a party where someone had a huge twig tree decorated with apples for a Twilight themed party … very cool idea.

SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE.  This is a personal favorite! I have been an SNL  fan for a very long time now, and what’s even sweeter, is our oldest ones are fans too!  So fun to share!

CLASSIC SITCOMS.  How fun would this be?!  Roseanne. Brady Bunch. I Love Lucy. Happy Days. Three’s Company. Partridge Family.  The ideas go on and on { if you ask the boys, it would be more current shows like GLEE, etc .. jk  … the GLEE reference was totally for their benefit … hee hee }. 

SUPERHEROES & VILLAINS.   So timely, especially with the recent release of ‘The Avengers’, ‘The Dark Knight’, and ‘Spiderman’.

FAVORITE MOVIE CHARACTERS.  I personally voted for this one.  It didn’t win.

KID PARTY IDEAS.  The wee ones had some fun ideas too.  Fairy Tales. Video Games. Pirates. Disney. Hunger Games.

Guess I better get working on my zombie!
