Monthly Archives: October 2011

Trick or Treat?

HELLO  my lovelies!  It’s been WAAAAAY too long!

It’s here! HALLOWEEN! Trick or Treat!

I’ve always wondered why we’re required to say “trick or treat” when you ring the doorbell…

It’s not like we really want a trick now do we?  Give us the treats!

But I think the amount of treats one receives should be based on the costume… seriously!

Like this little lovelie…

But I love designer handbags…. that’s just me!  hee hee

Guess what?!  If you don’t have your costume yet, it’s not too late!

Any of our Stuff Etc locations can hook you up with something creative that’s sure to get you lots of treats! (all Halloween is 50% off)

(and if it’s a designer handbag you’re after, we have those too!)


be safe & have a blast

Undo a Tangled Mess

The way of the tangled jewelry mess in the good ol’ jewelry box is done for me!

Once I saw this….

I know!  Right?!  Brilliant!

Visually stunning AND functional!

And this one too…

And let’s not forget our own guest blogger, Allie, her brilliant idea featured in August…

Ready to untangle your mess?  Hurry into any Stuff Etc location and pick up an old key holder, a fancy picture frame, an old bathroom towel rod…

the possibilities are endless and a sure find at any of our stores!

I’d love to see pictures of your DIY projects that feature items you purchased at our stores.  Those are my favorite Stuff stories!

If you have one to share, email me at

{pc/via Everything Fabulous)